Nikko Shonin and the Head Temple Taisekiji

The Second High Priest Nikko Shonin who inherited the entirety of the Law from the Daishonin always followed His lead ― during the Daishonin’s Izu exile, and further during the Sado exile from the time of the Tatsunokuchi Persecution. Nikko Shonin was convinced that the Daishonin is the True Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law because he witnessed the Daishonin’s behaviors of indomitable resolve as stated in the Lotus Sutra: “They will attack us with swords and staves” and “again and again we will be banished” (the votary of the Lotus Sutra will be attacked with swords and staves and will be exiled several times).
This spirit of faith has succeeded until today as the origin of our faith together with the spirit of the admonition against slander.
Nikko Shonin witnessed the conduct of the lord of the manor of Minobu, Hagiri Sanenaga, who did not correct his own behavior of slandering the Law even though he had been admonished. Therefore, Nikko Shonin left Mt. Minobu and established the Head Temple Taisekiji on October 12th 1290 and enshrined the Dai-Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching there.
Afterwards, the Third High Priest Nichimoku Shonin and each successive High Priest have resided at the Head Temple Taisekiji with the succession of the Lamp of the Law and have protected the Dai-Gohonzon with aiming toward Kosen-rufu.